Proton UI - no thanks

Just got the new firefox with proton enabled. Immediately disabled via about:config and browser.proton.enabled set to false. If the UI becomes too unfamilar then it is maybe time to change the browser.
And I do not care what specs or developers say, I want a browser which is usable for me.


Yeah, so big disaster that i’m forced to stay with old Firefox version. Every “improvement” that is listed as new is actually worse, all due to bad UI/UX and wasted screen space.


Thanks Sigbert, I too have now backdated the UI…(now I know how) not sure who they talked to about the new tabs, but its not an improvement

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I too dislike the new theme look for it is terrible with older eyes. Mozilla is not thinking of their user base with disabilities. Sigbert, thanks for sharing how to go back. I spent 3 hours “playing” with themes but this is a quicker fix.


Yup, if the “proton” options disappear from about:config, I’m either not updating, or switching browsers. I really dislike the new UI.


I signed up to this forum just to come and say this.

But since people have already been airing the same (specific) complaints about Proton UI since April I gather the FF UI Devs are deaf to actual user feedback.


Just to echo the other posts here, I think the new “proton” UI is a step back.

I find the lack of contrast in the new tabs on Windows 10 (Light Theme) to be a big issue and I’ve reverted it by following the steps above.

The floating tabs don’t make a huge amount of sense to me. They contain less useful information and take more screen real-estate than the previous design.

The only argument I’ve seen put forward by Mozilla for them seems to be that there are users who don’t understand that tabs can be re-ordered. This solution seems to me to a pretty drastic response to that problem.

I’d urge Mozilla to think again please.


Just jumping on the bandwagon…

Firefox has been my preferred browser for many years, primarily because of the developer tools. I am very opposed to the UI changes that make the tabs appear detached from the main part of the page, and that the inactive tabs now have no separators. Yes, there is a config mod that can be used to revert the floating tabs, but I would prefer that there be a simple preferences option to select the tab style. I would encourage the developers to give users OPTIONS, as opposed to forcing bad UI decisions on your devoted users. I’ll be making Edge my main browser until this gets resolved.

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This is a great review of the disastrous redesign.

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Klar, wenn du früher Chrome hattest und benutzt z.B. Tor muss man sich reinarbeiten oder lässt es beim Alten. Ich finde die Mail von Proton echt Super. Browser benutze ich immer mal zwischendurch einen Anderen, da jeder andere Entwicklungstools bis zu fertigen Maschinen, die mich beim Zusammenbau ein Vermögen kosten. Ich bin da wählerisch. Will nur Videos runterladen: Reicht ,all Browser" soll zackig gehen, kleine Firewall von z.B. Google reicht da. Hatte man aber wie ich mit etwas Anderen Kollegen im Netz zu tun. Da hab ich alles verschlüsselt bis auf ein min, Ich habe 3 WLAN gebraucht, um schneller als eine Schnecke zu sein. Dafür Secure.