Question about Browser Console Messages concerning recipes

I’m not sure under which topic category this question may belong, but could you please tell what this means in the browser console? Thank you.

|1596062708108|app.normandy.action.PreferenceExperimentAction|WARN|Skipping recipe Measurement of tail suggestions and user typing because PreferenceExperimentAction was disabled during preExecution.

|1596062708111|app.normandy.action.PreferenceExperimentAction|WARN|Skipping recipe Performance impact of DLL prefetching because PreferenceExperimentAction was disabled during preExecution.

|1596062708119|app.normandy.action.PreferenceExperimentAction|WARN|Skipping recipe activity-stream-pocket-new-tab-newsletter-signup-study-1616997 because PreferenceExperimentAction was disabled during preExecution.

|1596062708133|app.normandy.action.PreferenceExperimentAction|WARN|Skipping recipe Amazon Top Sites tile study- US V3 because PreferenceExperimentAction was disabled during preExecution.

|1596062708136|app.normandy.action.PreferenceExperimentAction|WARN|Skipping recipe Amazon Top Sites tile study- Germany V3 because PreferenceExperimentAction was disabled during preExecution.

Normandy is the delivery mechanism for studies:

However, I don’t know what caused Firefox to generate those specific messages.

Thank you. I didn’t even know there was a browser console separate from the console in developer tools until a couple days ago.