<p>According to the <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/blockquote">
<cite>MDN blockquote page</cite></a>:
<blockquote cite="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/blockquote">
<p>The <strong>HTML <code><blockquote></code> Element</strong> (or <em>HTML Block
Quotation Element</em>) indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation.</p>
The paragraph ended before the blockquote started. I was surprised because I thought since the blockquote was quoted by the above content, they should have been in the same paragraph. Is it a standard to close the paragraph tag before we start a blockquote tag?
@saralin10co I can see why this might come across as a bit confusing. This is a single example, but the first paragraph is not part of the blockquote — instead, this contains a link to the page where the blockquote contents are quoted from. Then that paragraph is closed, and then you get the blockquote, which contains some text quoted form the paged linked to above it. Having the URL of the cited source included twice seems like overkill, but just including it in the cite attribute doesn’t create any kind of link to it, hence including a link as well.
I didn’t mean that the first paragraph is part of the blockquote. I was trying to say that if it the texts were written on paper, I would consider the quoted stuff to be in the same paragraph as the text in the <p> given in the example. That’s why I was confused about why the <p> element is closed before the blockquote… But I see you’ve answered this in my other post on Assessment wanted for Marking up a letter and some questions , where you mentioned
a paragraph element is a separator for a chunk of text of any length - it doesn’t necessarily have to be a grammatically correct paragraph.
you should close it before opening another block level element that is part of the same text flow.