We have an add-on which is currently being published with the native application as it is entirely dependent on the native application to work. We are using Windows registry method on Windows and Copying XPI file to Firefox installation directory on MAC to install our extension. Could you provide information for these queries:
Will copying the XPI file to user directory be supported in Firefox 74?
Will the Window registry method be supported in Firefox 74?
Is there any other way to auto install the extension (maybe let the user enable the extension on their own) with XPI file or AMO?
For self-hosting method, does user has to download the XPI file and manually install it using Install add-on from file option? Or Firefox will automatically install the add-on on downloading XPI file?
If the users has an installed add-on with sideloading, will the add-on be removed after updating to Firefox 74?
As per the blog , with Firefox 73, the add-on will be moved to user’s profile. Will it continue to work for Firefox 74 if the add-on is placed in user’s profile directory?
Chrome provides a registry method to auto install the extension from Chrome store. Is there any way for auto installation from AMO/self-distribution using Window registry or other methods?
1, 2, 3, 7: There won’t be a way to automatically install extensions in release versions of Firefox. There probably ways to do that in ESR, mainly aimed at enterprise deployments.
4: You can read about self-distribution here. In short, you just need to point to the XPI from a webpage and the installation process will start.
5, 6: 73 will copy the file to the user profile, after which it will be treated as a normal extension and will continue to work in future versions. 74 will only ignore new attempts to auto-install extensions.
Do not try to auto-install extensions by placing them in the profile folder. Extensions should be installed using the normal web install process, where users are informed about the installation, permissions, etc.
Thanks. I have some more questions about moving users to Firefox store:
How do I make sure that all my existing users move to the same extension on the store?
If I upload the same extension on the Firefox store, Can I retain the same ID? Also what would happen if Firefox sees the side-loaded extension with the same ID as an extension on the store?
If user has the side-loaded extension with same ID as Store extension and the Store extension is updated, would the update be applied to side-loaded extension?
Does any scenario mentioned above required user interactions? If yes, what would be the behavior?
What would be the recommended way to move users from side-loaded extension to Store extension with minimal user interactions?
You can upload a listed version under the same extension ID that you already have the self-hosted one. Just create a new version for the self-hosted one and choose list on AMO in the first upload step.
As far as I understand with this change yes, as long as your extension doesn’t unclude an update_url in its manifest.
User interaction would be required if you added required permissions in an update.
Thanks @freaktechnik.
Is there a plan to provide the same deployment strategy as Chrome in which I can create a registry with URL pointing to Firefox store extension and Firefox prompts user to install this extension on next/current launch?
This will install the extension from store with prompts containing permissions and provide a way for me to associate the extension with the application.
On the same note, I have noticed that If the XPI file is placed under the User’s profile extension directory, it prompts user to install the extension with the permissions listed on the next launch. The user also retain the option to remove the extension after it has been installed.
Is it method also going to be blocked from Firefox 74?
I don’t think that will be supported moving forward.
On the same note, I have noticed that If the XPI file is placed under the User’s profile extension directory, it prompts user to install the extension with the permissions listed on the next launch. The user also retain the option to remove the extension after it has been installed.
While that’s not a terrible user experience, that isn’t supported behavior and we can’t guarantee it will continue to work that way. What we recommend developers is to have the installer open a tab in Firefox that directs users to install the extension.
Hi Jorge,
Unfortunately, it’s not clear for me if the installation using the Windows registry will be available in release version 74, because of everywhere talks about sideloading and doesn’t mention the registry installation method. Can you please clarify the point?