Review Queue state (listed add-ons only)
The tables below represent the state of the review queues at different points in time, divided into 3 “buckets” depending on how long they have been waiting. Ideally we want all nominations and updates to be under 5 days, so our goal is to have 100% of reviews on the third column.
Full Review Nominations
10 days+ 5-10 days 5 days- Total
10/01 127 (78%) 21 (23%) 15 (9%) 163
11/01 119 (84%) 13 (9%) 10 (7%) 142
Now 74 (67%) 12 (11%) 24 (22%) 110
Full Review Updates
10 days+ 5-10 days 5 days- Total
10/01 55 (75%) 8 (11%) 10 (14%) 73
11/01 43 (67%) 11 (17%) 10 (16%) 64
Now 30 (57%) 7 (13%) 16 (30%) 53
Preliminary Reviews
10 days+ 5-10 days 5 days- Total
10/01 119 (77%) 13 (8%) 23 (15%) 155
11/01 104 (77%) 18 (13%) 13 (10%) 135
Now 58 (47%) 16 (13%) 50 (40%) 124
Reviewer Contributions
Nominations Updates Prelim. Admin flag Info req Total
Sep 623 (14%) 790 (17%) 2876 (64%) 20 (0%) 210 (5%) 4519
Oct 506 (17%) 696 (24%) 1566 (53%) 20 (1%) 147 (5%) 2935
Nov 476 (13%) 934 (26%) 1808 (51%) 12 (0%) 313 (9%) 3543
Nominations: full review nominations.
Updates: full review updates.
Prelim.: preliminary reviews.
Admin flag: reviews escalated to admin review.
Info req: information requests to authors.
For more information on how the review process works, and how you can check your add-on review status, please read An Overview of the AMO Review Process.