- FF History recently became flakey / missing (FF ESR 52.9.0 Retro for XP)
Most recent History (FF used daily) was May 16 (today = June 3) - Attempted to resolve this with “Places Maintenance” by MaK77
- Websearches for above prompt “huh” “whaaat” and “may have been removed, but we’re not sure exactly what happened …” [seems just a bit vague/unhelpful]
- Anyhoo - as of this writing, FF History seems to have “recuperated” - but who knows for how long.
- Anyone have a link to to a clear, concise process by which I can troubleshoot & hopefully resolve future History issues (bookmarks well-behaved AFAIK)
Aside - encouraging (I guess) that AI is also subject to “brain farts”. Forum interpolator popped-up this gem:
" Your topic is similar to…Gibberish inference result when using pre-trained model for unknown distribution …"
Actually kinda made my day!