Issue regarding dataset format

Hey there,
I’m currently trying to implement the model for my native language.
Can anyone help me with the dataset format?
In particular what should be the format of train,test and dev files?
I’ve currently referred -

But it doesn’t seem to parse the files properly.

Here is the run command I used -
./ --train_files /content/drive/My\ Drive/stt_dataset/train/train.csv
–dev_files /content/drive/My\ Drive/stt_dataset/dev/dev.csv
–test_files /content/drive/My\ Drive/stt_dataset/test/test.csv
–export_dir /content/drive/My\ Drive/model_export/
–checkpoint_dir /content/drive/My\ Drive/checkout/
–alphabet_config_path /content/drive/My\ Drive/alphabet.txt \

Any kind of help is appreciated!!

Thank You!

Train, dev and test are usually split 80/10/10 or 75/20/5 and all have the same layout:

/path/audio/common_voice_de_18530569.wav,185900,zahlen sie monatlich vierteljaehrlich halbjaehrlich oder jaehrlich ihren beitrag
/path/audio/common_voice_de_18530616.wav,184364,auf derartige belastungen ist mein gepaecktraeger nicht ausgelegt

But please read the docs first, you are missing a trie or scorer and use a higher batch size. Search the forum a bit, give more information, no images and read here:

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