Hello I don’t know if this is where I ask for help with my Mozilla . I keep getting a message saying something about script doing something. and my page freezes ,so what I have to do is task manager to stop the page. Please help me .
This is for help with add-ons. I think it’s the wrong section but I will try to help you.
Please try disabling all addons and see if this freeze happens.
What are you doing when the freeze occurs?
Thank you most times I will be reading tmz and watching a video. . Where do I find the addons to disable. Thank you for responding and trying to help. Isabel
Oh interesting, are those videos in flash? If so then disabling the flash plugin should fix everything. TMZ and other video sites should default to using HTML5 video (if they support it). I personally stopped installing flash a few months as it was responsible crashing everything. Since I got rid of flash, things have been super smooth.
where do I find the flash plugin to fix my script error message ? all I know the videos are whats on Tmz and its just when I am reading the stuff the script message pops up.
Press Ctrl + Shift + A - this opens your addon manager. Then go to the “Plugins” section, you see in the nav bar on the left side. And in the list there you should find Flash.
Hi there found shockwave flash so what do I need to do ? I read where I can take it off prottected mode but can get stuff coming in. So I gather its not a good idea.
In the drop down in that row select “Never Activate”. Or select “ask to Activate”
oh ok will try that and let you know later if it helped. Thank you for all your patience and help . Keep your fingers crossed. lol Isabel
=) Let us know if the issue happens even once. If it does we can try
creatng an new profile and as you use that, if you notice the issue is
gone, then we can go back to your old profile and click “Refresh Profile”.
Ok I will keep track of it. Thank you.
hI there This morn I got the un responsive script again this time with radar on line it kept coming up when I put the check mark on remember. Also everytime I open up Msn the page will freeze for1 second it does it quiet a few times and it won’t let me close the page or tab because its frozen. Don’t know if it is where you can help me or do I have to go some where else for that? Thank you Isabel.
Don’t check that checkbox for “remember”. You always want to stop these scripts that go out of hand or it will become unresponsive and you won’t have a way to get out of it.
Let’s create a new profile and try that for awhile. This will be brand new, so your data/bookmarks etc will not be there, but will be in your main profile. Are you using windows?
If so then hit Windows Key + R then type in fiefox -P
hit enter, you’ll get this window:
Create a new profile, and then set that as yoru default profile for now. Use that for a week or so and see if any issues occur. If they don’t then we’ll go back to your main profile and “refresh” it, so it keeps all bookmarks history etc, but cleans it up. Then we’ll use that for awhile, if the issue occurs, then we’ll go back to the newly created profile and use the “Sync” services to bring your data (bookmarks history etc) into that profile.
Good morning I have tried 2 times to do the fiefox-p and it says windows can not find it. lol I am using windows 10.
Make sure there is a space between firefox
and -P
make sure p is capital.
good morning tried it again the way you said to and still windows says it can not be found .
Ok then let’s use an addon. This addon will help you -
Hi there I created a new profile . I have a question also have question when a popup comes up asking to allow the shock wave to be allowed do I say yes or no? Thank you
Hi there since I created my new profile it has frozen my page as to where I had to shut it off by having to using my main button because I could not even use task manager . Also I still keep getting the script saying its unresponsive. Sorry to be bugging you about this. Isabel.
No problem. Did you install shockwave/flash? Make sure not to install anything in the new profile.
If it is still crashing then I strongly suspect you have other installed software that is corrupting your internet browsers. You will have this freeze issue in Internet Explore/Edge, Opera, Google Chrome. Can you please use another browser to verify.