This session is facilitated by Eileen Wagner, Georgia Bullen, Karissa McKelvey
About this session
We will take 5 min to introduce participants to our pattern library project ( ) and then work through some exercises to understand how the library can be useful in specific scenarios. We will design 3 scenarios that people can choose from (around identity management, online/offline status, and data permissions, for example), though participants are also invited to bring their own scenarios and questions. We will workshop and demo ways to use the pattern library to find a design solution. In the second half, we will ask participants to share their experiences with the group by going around and facilitating a discussion. Finally, we want to connect with everyone interested in contributing to this project.
Goals of this session
We want participants to gain awareness of design challenges in decentralisation; learn methodologies to approach these challenges; and walk away from the session with concrete patterns and ideas to use in their own projects.