Remove active logins through extension

I’m looking at browser.browsingData and trying to figure out if active sessions (active logins) can be removed somehow. Similar to clearing cookies or download history can…

Hi @hinko.kocevar and welcome to the community :wave:

To maintain a session there needs to be some kind of token to be exchanged. Since this token has to be saved somewhere I think clearing cookies and localStorage should work to clear active sessions. I’m not an extension developer and therefore not sure if browsingData.removeLocalStorage() also clears the sessionStorage. (Another place where a login token could be saved).
I’ll move this topic to the “Add-ons Development” category since there are far more experienced people regarding Add-ons. :wink:

Have a nice day,

PS: Your email address is visible in your post. I think it somehow ended up in the optional “name” field of your profile. I recommend removing it.

Thanks Michael!

Here is what I’m facing and what I’m trying to do

Basically I want to invoke whatever happens when the “Active logins” is checked.

Ahh, we are talking about “basic authentication”.
I guess that would be browsingData.removePasswords(). That’s the one thing making the most sense when comparing the browsingData methods with the options in the “Clear History” dialog.

If nobody more knowledgeable than me will answer, I think your best bet is to test those methods in your extension. Make sure to test on a new Firefox profile to not accidentally delete other stuff.

After some more debugging I narrowed down the necessary checkboxes that need to be selected in the ‘Clear all history’ dialog for me to get logged out:

  • Active logins
  • Cookies

(clearing the history for only or the other does not do the job)

I presume that the extension equivalent JS would then be:

browser.browsingData.removePasswords({}).then(onRemoved, onError);
browser.browsingData.removeCookies({}).then(onRemoved, onError);

The login does not seem to be cleared if I use these lines in my extension; I’m still logged in as soon as I reopen the web page.

Looking at the ext-browsingData.js of the FF sources it seems that the clean up of the active logins is not implemented through any of the current extension interfaces.

So I added:

const clearSessions = options => {
  // copied flags from Sanitizer.jsm
  return clearData(options, Ci.nsIClearDataService.CLEAR_AUTH_TOKENS |

Then I hacked the handleRemoval() to call clearSessions() when extension requested cleaning of the ‘cache’ (I could not introduce a new handler to avoid hijacking existing one for some reason…).

Now when I call browser.browsingData.remove({since}, dataTypes).then(notify); with dataTypes being ‘cache’ and ‘cookies’ I get logged out as expected.

This is the error I keep getting if I want to pass ‘sessions’ to the browsingData.remove():

JavaScript error: moz-extension://fed9f9d6-770f-4ace-a30e-6896cda4ec5d/background.js, line 81: Error: Type error for parameter dataToRemove (Unexpected property "sessions") for browsingData.remove.

I guess I need to change some other file to add support for new dataType being passed or something?!


Editing browsing_data.json and adding support for ‘sessions’ in the right places solves the above problem…