Replying to user reviews?

I used to be able to reply to the reviews that users submitted for my add-on, but all of sudden the ‘Reply’ option isn’t appearing anymore, only the ‘Flag’ option is available. I am still receiving email notifications whenever someone reviews my add-on, but I can’t answer any questions that they share.

If someone could point me in the right direction or let me know the problem might be, i’d greatly appreciate it.



Are you sure you are logged in with the right account? I can still reply to people on my addon’s review page.

You were probably running into this issue, which was very recently fixed.

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You are correct Jorgev! I was unlisted, but the recent fix now allows me to respond to comments again. :+1:



Is it possible for a user to reply/respond to an AMO review?

I sometimes find reviews with questions in them that have not been responded to by the developer, but I think that I have an answer to.


Only developers can respond to reviews on extensions. Further, support questions shouldn’t be in reviews in the first place…

I agree that reviews are not the appropriate place for support questions.

In general, it is not uncommon for it to be difficult to find an appropriate venue for issues/support questions.
Occasionally, I’ve wondered whether a developer has attempted to obscure or otherwise prevent access.

For example, for more than one addon I’ve had to take what little information about the developer that is listed on AMO and search - hunt, really - to eventually find the dev’s third party website or similar, then guess at a GitHub username.
Surprisingly, sometimes the developer is responsive to issues opened on GitHub, despite having no link at all on AMO.

Oh I absolutely agree. I wonder if we’ll still see the changes that were once suggested to improve discoverability for support venues for end-users, which would likely also increase developer’s interest to properly link such pages. Further, from what I remember at some point having some form of support channel was required, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.