I wanted to share what the Reps and Regional communities team is going to be working on the next 3 weeks as part of the Quarter 4 - Heartbeat 3 (or Q4HB3), the last one before the Hawaii All Hands.
The Q4 Participation goals we are supporting are:
- A focus set of relevant training and learning opportunities for mobilizers are systematized and they regularly access these opportunities to be more effective in their contributions and as a result providing more impact to Mozilla’s main initiatives.
- Reps is the program for most core volunteers where many communities feel their voice represented and influencing the organization, and where mozillians join to be more aligned, grow their skills and be more impactful in mobilizing others.
The three areas of action will be:
- Reps program and Regional communities.
- Skill building.
- Community gatherings.
Reps and Regional communities
This HB we want to advance the documentation and training needs for the Reps resources track, that will allow us to provide learning opportunities for the Reps interested in requesting resources in the future, as well as advance on better swag support for Activate Mozillastrong text initiatives.
Coming with a timeline for merging all RepsNext effortsstrong text that we have going on before the end of the year will be also a priority for us and the Reps Council.
We will also be working on a final end-of-the-year push for Activate Mozilla activities and areas, having Reps as the main mobilizers for this push.
Finally we will start testing some new internal procedures for the staff-supported events moving forward so we can have more effective decisions and better impact on these events.
Skill building
Measuring the new Reps Coaches past activities is going to be key to improve on our next steps as well as finish the training with the second cohort of new mentors (Including starting to work with their new mentees).
The Coaching guide should be ready to be published and synchronized with the Leadership Toolkit team in order to offer this training to more people easily.
Leadership Toolkit will have three resources ready as well as three existing ones included in the flow. Measuring and testing content is going to be also key this HB for the team, together with an initial design for the website to host this content.
Community Gatherings
First, we want to advance and continue with the follow-up plans for the European, India and Arabic gatherings, documenting solid plans, owners and timelines. We want to start seeing activities happening before the end of the year as well as steps to have solid Q1 plans in each community.
We will be also testing the Community Gatherings toolkit, which will be also ready in a v1 form, with one community and improving it based on the feedback. This is key to allow us to systematize community gatherings so they can be community-driven next year.
Additionally, Mexico Community Gathering will take place this HB, including its follow-up and plans.
I hope this topic helps to clarify what are we trying to do and it can be a place where anyone can be involved providing feedback and input, we will be happy to receive it
People involved:
- Guillermo Movia (@deimidis) - Coaching, Regional Coaches, Community Gatherings
- Emma Irwin (@emma_irwin) - Leadership Toolkit
- Konstantina Papadea (@couci) - Review Team, Reps improvements
- Francisco Picolini (@franc) - Community Gatherings
- Rizki Kelimutu (@kelimuttu) - Review Team
- Brian King (@bking) - Activate Campaign sync, EU follow-up
- Subhashish Panigrahi (@psubhashish) - India restructure and gathering follow-ups
- Rubén Martín (@nukeador) - Regional Coaches, Reps improvements, Community Gatherings
- The @repscouncil - Reps improvements, Review Team