What are the sort of the things council checks when screening the reps application? I mean the key points.
Council doesn’t screen applicants, mentors do.
You can check the whole process here:
Ruben does the initial screening, but personally I look for enthusiasm and solid ideas about how someone wants to contribute as part of Reps. (speaking as a mentor, because council does not screen reps)
This means making sure the applicants have all the minimum requirements to be interviewed by a mentor:
- A vouched mozillian profile.
- At least 6 months countributing to mozilla in a local community or funcional area.
- References.
Thanks for the answers
Awesome topic, two follow on ?s from me
- how do we expect “proof” of contribution?
- do we ever make exceptions to any of the rules and if so why… (in particular for regions where we have no reps)
- how many references?
(sorry, I just get asked about this process often and have wondered this for a while)
In the past we made exceptions, but I found I didn’t have any success with Reps who weren’t already active Mozillians (which was most of my mentees actually). We now have enough Reps that someone can be mentored by a Rep until they are ready to join, even if it’s a different region. Being a Rep is such a commitment and people think they want to take it on, but having that 6 month active requirement is actually a really good barrier to screen for success.
Most areas have a way to track contributions, also references vouch for their work.
Probably we did a few at the beginning of the program, but definitely not now. AS @majken said, we have enough Reps to be able to mentor mozillians until they have enough leadership to become a Rep (if they want to).
Quoting myself on other topic:
how many references?
A couple of them is enough.
Answering to @lshapiro
This concern was addressed during the last RemoCamp by the Council and the Mentors, we agreed on changing the application process which should go live in a couple of weeks as soon as we get the form updated.
- This has always been a difficult thing for mentors to evaluate: how do you know if the applicant is a contributor? we usually asked him to show us his work as a volunteer: talks, pictures, articles, blogposts, anything that would support it and give us hints of how you participate and get involved in mozilla.
The new application process is going to switch the References field to Vouched field. As currently in Mozillians, we will ask all applicants to be Vouched on Mozillians.org, and if he lists References, those who he listed must Vouch his application by giving us some history about his contributions.
As @majken mentioned at the beginning of the program some exceptions were made in order to boost the Reps presence in places we hoped to “seed communities” yet those weren’t very effective, some of those are still Reps and very active, others just went inactive a couple of months after joining. Currently there are no exceptions and during the New Mentor training sessions we explain all this to the mentors.
Currently at least 1, but you can add more people
Great topic to discuss, As a mentor I found SOP and available questions quite helpful, However, few things I also want to add, We know during academics an individual have enough time to invest in the program, however, once he/she completes his/her academics, moving to Job brings restriction & responsibilities which is a question for commitments in program. I have seen so many cases when a rep moves to Job and its really got hard for him to invest time for program.
Point is that we need to ensure that candidate should have a strategy or plan to manage his work life with Mozilla Reps activities. So we can ask candidate about this in screening itself.
Another things I want to add, It would be a good practice for mentor to save a transcript of conversation with candidate(removing any personal details and making a genric Q/A script). This transcript would surely help other mentors to go through the transcript ask suitable question. eg. I am not from QA and candidate is explaining me his contribution to QA. Being a mentor transcript would help me to ask question based on QA.
We can make this a practice and store interview transcripts somewhere.
Hi nukeador,
I am Amena Islam From Bangladesh. I am Club Lead about 1.5 years and a Senor FSA.
Mainly I am engaged with 1. FSA program 2.Webmaker 3.Womoz and 4.Community events. Due to my study I was inactive about 3 months and I haven’t worked with triage bug yet.
Am I eligible to apply for Reps program?
You can find my contribution list from this given link.