Open Letter
Lucy had started a document to capture questions and concerns that can directly be addressed by Open Innovation. She and George joined us to talk about that idea and on which format would be best.
For the questions that can be directed towards the leadership team, we agreed to write a first draft with the questions we have phrased now.
Update for Q2 OKRs
Lucy informed us about the OKR process for Q2 and officially invited us to take part in the meetings next week. It will be the same process as last quarter.
MoFo is working on the Recognition topic and we will tap into this once phase one of their project is done. We will keep you updated on how we could integrate efforts that are done around the organization into the Reps program as well. This won’t be happening within the next 2 months though.
Meeting Notes
The missing meeting notes have been published. Now we are on time again. If you have read the recent meeting notes, there is no need to go back and read the others as we kept them short for archiving purposes only.
Updates from OKR areas
We are currently looking for a date to record and live-stream the Webinar.
We discussed the process proposal around re-commitment for Reps. We have a solid proposal, some questions need to be figured out regarding setup and tracking. We will send out a mail shortly to allow enough time for all Reps to respond to this.
Coaching proposal
The coaching proposal with its next steps has been shared with volunteers that have been working on the Leadership toolkit for feedback. After that we will open it up for all Reps as well.
Reps Issues on GitHub
We still have all our tasks in the Reps GitHub repository, have a look there to get involved and keep up to date with what we’re up to.