Hi fellow Reps,
As you might have heard some weeks ago https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/new-reps-logo/16328/6 , we are planning to rebrand Mozilla Reps to align with the updated Mozilla branding ( https://mozilla.ninja ) we have seen rolling out this year. In order to make this process as transparent as possible, we would like to ask for your thoughts in getting a step closer to how Reps will look like in its next iteration.
As you have seen quite often in the past years, Mozilla is changing. With internal changes, we also change on the outside, literally in this case, we have a new visual identity, a new way we look like and a new way we are perceived. With Reps, we remember the early days with nostalgia and coming to think of it, the Reps program has a longer history than many of us here at Mozilla in general, something which is truly amazing for the fast paced speed Mozilla is used to. However with a logo which is over 8 years old and a color palette from the early days of Mozilla, we will have to move on and adapt to the rest of the organization. To summarize, that means:
- The Reps Logo will change and be adapted with the new Mozilla guidelines
- The Dark Red Reps color will be replaced with a color from the new color palette of the new Mozilla Brand
I know this might sound scary and unfamiliar for some, but having seen quite some rebranding projects in the past years, I am sure that the community will be happy with the results if we are having a constructive discussion around it.
Having said that, let’s start it off with a few proposals of the new Reps logo lockup in various color variations permitted by the new Mozilla brand:
Let us know in the comments what your favorite is. After we have gathered some feedback we will decide on the next steps to take here.
Looking forward to hear your thoughts!