Hello everyone,
Let’s come together in another Reps call at 16:00 UTC today.
Today Rzr will present one of his projects. I want to take this occasion to encourage each of you to present in the reps call. Try to think of how your experience could help other reps, or if you would like to ask others to participate in a project that you are carrying out.
Do you have an interesting project, led an interesting event, or presentation? You are welcome to come and share in our Weekly Call!
Airmo video: https://mzl.la/reps-2020-07-30
Zoom ID: https://mozilla.zoom.us/j/505669458
Etherpad: https://pad.mozilla.org/p/remo-call-30-07-2020
Community portal event: https://community.mozilla.org/en/events/reps-weekly-call-30-07-2020/?success=1
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/akgHUQTAgW0
- Topic 1: Rzr will speak about an experimental idea to use Webthings in Mozilla Hubs
See you all soon!
PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove!