We have a major release of passbolt (open source password manager for teams) planned to go out today. It would be great if one reviewer could have a quick look at our extension and approve it if possible. With the release, some of our users might suffer from backward compatibility issues which we’d like to avoid. Even though it’s a major release, the changes on the extension are minor, so the review process should be pretty straightforward.
We know that you are all super busy, but maybe @erosman or @sylvaing in case one of you guys would have 5 minutes to spare ? We understand if it’s not possible.
Thank you very much for your work and continued support!
Thank you very much for having a look on such short notice and for your suggestions. We will delay the release until tomorrow.
Concerning the jquery.min.js hash for
openssl dgst -sha256 -binary jquery.min.js | openssl base64 -A
i’m getting
Which is the same hash advertised for version 2.2.4 on Jquery website. What hash do you got? Maybe since there is no version mentionned your tool is expecting version 3?
I also wanted to reply to hear more about your suggestions. Our plan for the next release is to make the firefox plugin compatible with webextension. It is my understanding file system access is not a standard feature, so could you clarify how you envision storing the JSON files? Would you recommend using: https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebExtensions/Filesystem to store such files or did you had something else in mind?
Is there any chance that our extension will be approved today ? Just to know if we should wait for it before we do our launch. If it’s not possible, no issues, we’ll organize accordingly and do the launch in 2 parts.
I dont know. I had a quick look at the time and it is not a minor upgrade. There are a lot of extra code which would take time to review. You can try the IRC to see if anyone is free to do it today.