Requesting permissions conveniently & Modifying iframes without blanket permissions

In general, Firefox dev pages seem to advocate good security practices, but heavy-handed restrictions make it difficult to perform some actions without going against such practices.

I was wondering if there was an elegant way to ask for permission to access domains whose iframes are in the current webpage. I need to modify DOM elements in (potentially cross-origin) iframes of pages for which the add-on has permission. I would like to do so without the <all_urls> and all_frames permissions.

Edit: I can read the ‘src’ attribute of the iframe, but I cannot request permissions for that url without a pre-defined user action.

  1. What is best practice then? Some obnoxious popup informing the user to simply click the Browser Action?

  2. One step further: If I want the user to be able to modify the url (with wildcards and such) before requesting permission, how do I ask for permission elegantly? The doc says I can use “a button in a page bundled with the extension”, but this does not seem to be the case for the Browser Action popup.


I wonder if activeTab would give you enough power for your use case?

As far as I can tell, activeTab permissions do not extend to iframes in the page. Additionally, the add-on I am creating is passive; I do not want the user to perform some designated “user action” to inject my content script.

I have edited my post and hopefully narrowed down my issue.

I greatly appreciate your reply,

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Hi Ben, one possibility would be to detect the hosts and ask the user if they want to grant permission. The hangup is that permission.request() doesn’t work when called from a popup (i.e., hanging off your toolbar button) or sidebar in Firefox. I think you need to show the Options page or maybe something in a new window. I haven’t had time to experiment.

Yes, the fact permission.request() is linked to a user action is the hangup. For the foreseeable future, I will use a window-based popup approach in which I create a new, minimal window with a “user action” button. The result is ugly, but at least it does not divert the user from his current browsing page.