Hi. Our ProQuest Flow add-on was submitted 5 months ago. One month after submission it was review by rctgamer3 who requested a super review. We’ve been waiting for months now, and we’re number 24 in the queue. We thought we had given ourselves enough time before the hard deadline of September 22 when Firefox 41 will be released.
What do you need from us to speed up the review? What happens to our add-on when Firefox 41 is released?
We’re hiring new reviewers and training new volunteer reviewers, so there should be a noticeable difference in the coming weeks. For now I can only ask you to be patient.
Just checked out your addon, I like the GUI. Nice job with it! And man I thought I was patient, I commend you man on your patience you’ve outdone like 99% of the world! Awesome job there too!
Reviewing picked up like crazy. On Monday I went from postion 260 to 150. And in the 4 weeks before i went from 330 to 280. So hang in there people. I think their new hires are done with training