Rocks paper scissors game

Hi, I had to build a simple rock paper scissors game on Javascript for an assignment. Still I’m not able to make it work. Could someone give me a hint on where it is failing? Code below.

let playerPlay = prompt(Rock, paper or scissors)
const choices = [null, rock, paper, scissors];
let number;
let play;
let result;
let value;
function computerPlay(choices, number, play, result){
number = (Math.floor(Math.random()*3)+1);
play = choices[number];
result= play;
return result;
value = computerPlay(choices, number, play, result)

let computerScore = 0;
let playerScore = 0;

if (playerPlay.toLowerCase() == rock && (value == rock){
console.log (It's a tie )
console.log (Player score = playerScore)
console.log (Computer score = computerScore)
else if (playerPlay.toLowerCase() == rock && (value == paper){
console.log (Computer wins)
console.log (Player score = playerScore)
console.log (Computer score = computerScore)
else if (playerPlay.toLowerCase() == rock && (value == scissors){
console.log (Player wins)
console.log (Player score = playerScore)
console.log (Computer score = computerScore)
else if (playerPlay.toLowerCase() == paper && (value == rock){
console.log (Player wins)
console.log (Player score = playerScore)
console.log (Computer score = computerScore)
else if (playerPlay.toLowerCase() == paper && (value == paper){
console.log (It's a tie )
console.log (Player score = playerScore)
console.log (Computer score = computerScore)
else if (playerPlay.toLowerCase() == paper && (value == scissors){
console.log (Computer wins)
console.log (Player score = playerScore)
console.log (Computer score = computerScore)
else if (playerPlay.toLowerCase() == scissors && (value == rock){
console.log (Computer wins)
console.log (Player score = playerScore)
console.log (Computer score = computerScore)
else if (playerPlay.toLowerCase() == scissors && (value == paper){
console.log (Player wins)
console.log (Player score = playerScore)
console.log (Computer score = computerScore)
else (playerPlay.toLowerCase() == scissors && (value == scissors){
console.log (It's a tie )
console.log (Player score = playerScore)
console.log (Computer score = computerScore)

Can you please put your code into an online shareable editor such as CodePen, jsFiddle, or Glitch?
It’s hard to read it like that…

on codepen i get an error “Sorry you cannot post a link to that host.”.

You have few syntax errors (follow the red dots in the left to the code in jsfiddle):
In the if statements you have to surround the condition with rounded parentheses.
For example,
replace this:

if (playerPlay.toLowerCase() == `rock`) && (value == `rock`){


if ((playerPlay.toLowerCase() == `rock`) && (value == `rock`)){

In addition, the syntax for strings concatenation is to use the plus character (+).
For example:

let name = firstName + " " + lastName;

In your code, replace this:

console.log (`Player score =` playerScore)


console.log (`Player score =` + playerScore)

also, its better to put “;” at the end of every statement.

I see that you use backticks for strings (`). It’s used for string interpolation in javascript. If you don’t use string interpolation it’s better to use quotes ( ') or double quotes (") for string literals.

One more comment is about the equality test. In general it’s better to use the === operator which compares the types and the values of it’s operands. Read more on it here:

One more tip is to start with few lines of code that works, test it and then add few more and test again, etc…

I have been taking a look over the script you posted, and I would say it is has its fair number of errors, which would prevent from JS from executing it. Like what @Rafael_Green was saying about using the correct syntax in all the right places.
I would like to mention that this would also apply to strings in concole.logs(). please remember to check () {} [] ‘’.
I honestly feel like my english teacher saying go back and punctuate it properly but really thats what your script needs is proper punctuation and syntax.

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