I’ve recently switched from the legacy Zigbee add-on to the zigbee2mqtt add-on. I can see it’s quite a bit more powerful, but I’m having issues with pretty much every Zigbee device I’ve tried.
With the new Ikea Styrbar remote I can see all the exposed actions, and those actions are emitted when I click the corresponding button on the remote.
In this example, l’ve selected arrow left click. When I click the left arrow on the remote, I see the action being read by the Thing, but if I build a Rule that uses the action as a trigger, the Rule is never triggered.
The issue is not limited to the Ikea Styrbar remote. I’m also seeing issues with a SmartThings button. The button supports single, double clicks and long-press. I’ve set up a rules that respond to all three actions, but only the single click and the long-press rules are triggered. The Thing sees the double-click event, but it doesn’t trigger the Rule.
Since the Thing sees the action happening, I’m perplexed as to why the Rules are being triggered.
Is there something obvious I’m missing?
I’ve checked in /extensions/zigbee2mqtt-adapter to see if a pending update for any of my devices is available, but the Update button is dimmed for all of them, so I guess there aren’t any pending update.