Hi! I search another addons who will be compatible with the new FF57 to replace “Download Status Bar” et “Redirect Control”.
I also need an addon to reduce the width of my tabs so that it will always be displayed when i have over 13 tabs open. Before i was using “Classic theme restorer” but there isn’t any update for now…
Do you know any addon that will help me?
Am also looking for a replacement for the download status bar - invaluable extension to have.
Download Status Bar is a super deep utility and I’m afraid I don’t have anything specific to recommend as a 1:1 replacement. But perhaps check out this collection of various Quantum-compatible download managers…
Thanks but these are only for video download and i want an all purpose addon. I want to see the downloads in a bar that open only when necessary, choose which files i want to keep after the end of download, change the color with the download speed and display the information i want. Exactly what Download Status Bar allow.
Is there a thread where we can ask for new addon? If an updated Download status bar doesn’t exist, maybe another person can create a new one…