I have developed maybe 10/11 years ago a firefox extension with a binary part.
It is often 1 or 2 month to get the review for windows only.
With signing, I am stuck
Due to all the issues I got in the past (a lot of them), only the Windows version is available on
AMO. Other versions, Mac/Linux 32/64 are on my site.
** Issue 1 - unique UUID
I tried to upload my mac version as a new addon to sign it with AMO.
But it does not allow me due that the UUID is the same than my published Addon ?
Should I get a different UUID for them ?
** Issue 2 - addon dependency ?
Also, uploading for each platform will be a nightmare, I would prefer to have a kind of dependency manager where I have
- a binary addon with just the binary part that did not changed since 5 years
- and a second addon, platform independent that I will be able to update a lot more often with the xul/javascript/
etc and that will get a lot faster review.
When a user would download 2, he would also download (1) for his platform.
This would be simpler for me and the reviewers.