Signing extensions is failing

Mozilla is forcing me to have my extensions signed by them, so, teeth clenched I did the dance:

$ web-ext lint -s src 
$ web-ext build -s src
$ web-ext --api-key <removed> --api-secret <removed> sign -s src

This validated my addon, gave me a URL to the validation results which were all green checkmarks, and then hung at:

"Signing add-on"

for several minutes. I don’t have that kind of time, so I cancelled the process and tried again. Result:
$ web-ext --api-key --api-secret sign -s src
“Server response: Version already exists. Latest version is: 1.0.0. (status: 409)”

(So ? I am asking you to sign it, not re-upload it? The just sign the version you already have?)
I logged into my account and deleted version 1.0.0 of this extension. and tried again with:

$ web-ext --api-key <removed> --api-secret <removed> sign -s src
Building web extension from /home/kmq/projects/youtube-mpd-ext/src

Error: Received bad response from the server while requesting

status: 500
response: {"detail":"Internal Server Error"}

How can I get my extension signed? I

لطفا انجام دادن امضای برانامه را به من یاد بدهید. با تشکر🤳

Deleting a version doesn’t make the version number usable again.

You will most likely have to submit an updated version number (so or 1.0.1 etc.). Then you will have to be patient. Signing is not instantaneous and as some other threads show, can currently take quite a while due to spam/malicious extension detection mechanisms, where a human has to step in. So to “how” I would mostly reply with “patience”.

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Thank you for your help.

So my version number is now dependent on an intransparent and buggy process.
It could just tell me “It looks like you are trying to re-sign an extension. Please read bla at how this process works” instead of “Internal Server Error”

That is entirely insane. I understand the motivation behind not having a version be signed twice - but why is this process designed in a way that it can fail this way because I cancelled the process before it was finished.

These are computers. They should do what I instruct them to, not make me have to work more.

These stupid walled systems are so frustrating. I’ve successfully avoided them so far… thank you mozilla.

Patience is not key here. I tried again with a higher version number and now I received:

Error: Signing took too long to complete; last status: 

Then I try again and received a “500 internal server once more”

Dear Mozilla, if you are reading this: please make the basics function. Signing software is useless if it makes th software not work at all

I don’t want to distribute through amo, I just want to use my extension.

You will still get an email once signing actually completes. You can then download the file from the portal.

Hi @kmq, sorry to hear you’re having problems. What’s the name (or preferably the ID) of your add-on? Happy to look into it.

Thanks @caitlin,

The id is

Thanks @kmq. This is going to require some more investigation on our end. Can you please file an issue and include your .xpi so we can try to reproduce the issue?

Now I just wait ?
To run my own code on my own machine ?
Because of some bug at the central bureaucracy ?

The future is stupid.

Yes, it will take time to debug.

In the meantime, you can load your unsigned file as a temporary add-on or set the xpinstall.signatures.required pref to false on a Nightly or Beta build.