Some Mozillians Vouch Based on Activities without Verifying User Info

It is just sad that some fellow Mozillians vouch new profiles based on their activities, especially in SuMo without verifying truth on info they have in their profile :frowning:


Maybe we can contact people who did these vouches to review them again.

I called the attention of this person from our country:

He has 2 profiles now. With his first one [], he keeps on bugging me and other Reps to vouch for him, even if we do not know him personally and does not have firsthand account of his Mozilla-related activities. We’re somewhat surprised to see his 2nd profile vouched more than 3 times under SuMo. His 2nd profile indicates that he is based in UK, but when I checked with this person, he is NOT.

I also checked if he indeed speak the languages indicated in his profile, his response:

"Hmm I’m familiar with spanish and portuguese :slight_smile: , because each have in common with chavacano … And i have a friend from mexico … But in turkish and french , i learn only basic words sir … :slight_smile: "

Kept me wondering how he was able to translate SuMo articles if he is not proficient in the French language …

Adding @williamr here for ideas on how we can improve the process to avoid these situations.

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Just to clarify …
I do not know Albarr, but I know very well Jean-Bernard Marcon (aka Goofy) who vouched him. This is an article from Goofy (in French) on the blog of the French Community Mozilla, he said why Albarr is ''French Translator of the Month": La lettre d’information sur la traduction de SUMO - Décembre 2014

And Goofy would never vouch for a mozillian that he does not know by their real contributions.

1 Like have many problems like the fake account:
Or a bug that does not allow to change the email of the account so now i’ve a complete account and an uncomplete account