Greetings awesome Reps! How are you today?
As what we had started in February this year, I am again calling for an online meetup for Mozilla Reps in the Southeast Asian (SEA) Region. If you are based in any of the following countries, this email is for you:
- Brunei Darussalam
- Cambodia
- Indonesia
- Lao PDR
- Malaysia
- Myanmar
- Philippines
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Vietnam
Due to insistent demand/requests sent to me Reps from nearby countries are also encouraged to participate in the forthcoming meeting:
- China
- Hong Kong
- Japan
- Taiwan
For us to schedule the online meetup/meeting, kindly participate in this Doodle (will close 1200Z GMT of Mon 06 JUL 2015):
Please do take note that all timings in the Doodle are in GMT.
Thank you very much. See you online soon.