Specify the context menu item insertion position

Ages ago I started porting Context Search to the SDK.

Yes, I know that the addon SDK is going to be deprecated, but I’d like to get a release out that’s going to last a bit longer than the current XUL-based one. WebExtensions doesn’t look like it’s going to do it for me (yet).

The only issue I have is that when I add my menu item, it appears at the end of the context menu.

Is there any way to specify the position where the menu item (submenu) will be inserted? In the XUL add-on I used to get a reference to a known context menu item with getElementById() and then use insertBefore().

If there’s a way to do something equivalent in either the addon SDK or the WebExtensions API then I would be interested in either.

I’ve looked at the SDK and WebExtension API documentation and I can’t see anything obvious there.

[quote=“BenBasson, post:1, topic:12660”]
Yes, I know that the addon SDK is going to be deprecated, but I’d like to get a release out that’s going to last a bit longer than the current XUL-based one.[/quote]

As far as I understad, XUL/Overlay/XPCOM and SDK are both deprecated and will both be removed at the same time in late 2017, in about a year or less. So I do not think migrating from XUL to SDK version gets you anything. Unless the next 8-12 months or so are really that crucial, and there is an absolute need to use SDK vs XUL.

[quote=“BenBasson, post:1, topic:12660”]
WebExtensions doesn’t look like it’s going to do it for me (yet).

The only issue I have is that when I add my menu item, it appears at the end of the context menu.

Is there any way to specify the position where the menu item (submenu) will be inserted? In the XUL add-on I used to get a reference to a known context menu item with getElementById() and then use insertBefore().[/quote]

As far as I know, this was part of the reason for the SDK, and virtually the entire point of WebExtensions: No access to browser’s DOM, as it’s a security risk. Unscrupulous people could (hypothetically?) abuse carelessly written add-on code by modifying browser DOM elements remotely, from web pages. Or perhaps more commonly, unscrupulous add-on developers (before review and signing were strictly enforced) could modify “stock” UI elements to make them send private information elsewhere, or something like that.

The implication, and indeed the result, is no access to DOM, only a simplistic API which allows browser UI elements to be modified sparingly, in a highly controlled, and inflexible manner. It is a very much neutered API compared to XUL (plastic toy hammer vs a tool to do serious work - or damage).

However, they are still developing WebExtensions, and are still considering changes. Only in the past few weeks, have they added context-menus to browser_action context, for instance. This as not possible using SDK’s high-level API, but required an ugly mix of low-level SDK, and just plain old JS/XUL/Browser DOM access. The code was confusing and convoluted, and adhered to neither API.

Anyways, if there is a case to be made for custom positioning of context menu items in the context menu, it would be made by filing a bug report, possibly as a feature request. Check out Bugzilla to see if such a request has been made already. I suspect that any such request would be rejected as WONTFIX, because they adamantly want to ensure that the default browser menu items ALWAYS are the same and ALWAYS come first. Maybe if enough people request the functionality (through proper channels), it might be reconsidered, but if nobody says anything (again, through proper channels), nothing will change.

This is a point that frustrates me a lot. I’ve been learning XUL/SDK/WebExtensions simultaneously, a little at a time. The documentation often omits a statement saying that something (which was previously trivial) is not possible, and just gives very basic examples. Which leads to confusion about whether it is possible, but the example is too simple, or the answer is otherwise undocumented, or whether it is truly and wholly impossible, from now on, forever, by design, and fully intended. In WebExtensions documentation, omissions of this sort seem to be about 80% “won’t ever be possible, by design, now go away” and 15% “undocumented, because you’re telepathic and should have known” and 5% “might be possible if someone just asks by filing a well-worded bug report while rubbing a lucky rabbit’s foot”. :wink:

Mozilla’s announcement is that they’re (probably) going to stop loading non-WebExtension add-ons by the end of 2017. I fully expect a lot of XUL-based add-ons to break before then, especially as e10s is getting pushed out now, and that breaks tons of XUL-based add-ons.

Plus, I’ve already done 80% of the code, so it would be trivial to finish it off now, this is really the only blocking issue I have.

I fully understand the point of WebExtensions, but both the SDK and WebExtensions provide the ability to add context menu items. I simply want to know if it’s possible to specify where they go.[quote=“Leif.AMO, post:2, topic:12660”]
Anyways, if there is a case to be made for custom positioning of context menu items in the context menu, it would be made by filing a bug report, possibly as a feature request. Check out Bugzilla to see if such a request has been made already. I suspect that any such request would be rejected as WONTFIX, because they adamantly want to ensure that the default browser menu items ALWAYS are the same and ALWAYS come first.

It wouldn’t surprise me if the request was shot down (I can imagine the arguments for not allowing this), but it seems like there’s little point adding functionality to context menus if it always appears at the bottom, in some arbitrary order. It’s going to make for a much worse user experience if things aren’t logically grouped.

Anyway, I don’t want to pollute Bugzilla unless there’s actually no way to do this. I have searched and couldn’t see anything in there either.

It appears at the bottom, but not in a random order. The menus added should appear in the order in which they were created with WebExtensions.

WebExtensions currently uses XUL via JS/DOM to modify the context menu items, internally. We can’t break out of the WebExtensions sandbox. We can’t modify the XUL DOM. We can’t insert, remove, or modify items above the end of the built-in menu items. At all. I think we can’t even remove the context menu items from one add-on that were added by another. The order in which the other add-ons is loaded, perhaps that depends on whatever random add-ons we have installed, perhaps that is the randomness referred to.

Doc: menus - Mozilla | MDN
Example: https://github.com/mdn/webextensions-examples/tree/master/context-menu-demo
Source: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/tip/browser/components/extensions/ext-contextMenus.js

Yeah, ok, it’s not random, but to the user it may as well be.

I guess I’ll raise an enhancement request for WebExtensions then.

Filed https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1325758