I don’t have login access and it’s missing SSL. What are the plans to get that?
Your login details are the same as for the servers.
I thought about SSL immediately after I posted that. I’m not sure what the best plan is, tbh. Somebody could buy a cheap cert from NameCheap or use StartSSL. The problem I have with StartSSL is that they charge $25 to revoke a free cert.
Missing SSL is a pretty big thing.
I can find out how quickly we can get a review. I’d imagine it’d be just a few days.
Or, in the long run, it might be easier to transfer communitysysadmins.org to Mozilla, since we’re relying on Mozilla for things like certs. I can file that bug, get the transfer and the cert in about 12 hours typically.
@mrz , thoughts?
I don’t want to transfer ownership.
I’d like to understand the blocker.
I’d recommend that you speak to cturra on IRC for that, as he was the one who said that he couldn’t sign a certificate for communitysysadmins.org.
I’ll delegate that to you - let me know what you learn.
@Logan - any update on this? We should get SSL soon.
I think I delegated that to @tad, as he knows more about the situation.
@tad, any update?
none at all.
@Logan do you have time for this? I need to focus on MozWeekend London.
@tad, you’ll have to understand that I know next to nothing about SSL or the process for getting certificates for personally-owned domains. Find some time outside of planning MozWeekend to do this, please. That’s a silly excuse.
I tried to ping cturra, but he’s busy at the moment. I’ll try again on Monday (and reply to this thread with any updates).