I noticed recently that that addon statistics seem to have no data after November 23rd.
For example, AdBlock Plus, you can see there is no data after November 23rd, that is 6 days behind.
Also the global statistics stop on the 23rd for the number of addons in use, however the number of addons created is still up-to-date.
The bug says this issue has been resolved, which it has. However a very similar issue has come up.
The global statistics for the number of addons downloaded hit 0 on the 10th November, and has stayed there ever since (12th December at time of this post).
This is very strange considering each addon still has stats for number of downloads.
You can raise a new bug yourself at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/
You’ll need to create a bugzilla account if you don’t have one. The site will guide you through the process, including checking for similar existing bugs - though you should preferably do that first. Don’t worry if you get it wrong - the important thing is to raise it. Post the number here too.