Strange browserAction popup style on windows 10?

Does anyone know what causes the popup to look like this user posted:

The browserAction popup got a title and the size has been limited, squashing my UI.

I have the same Firefox Version, yet I don’t see it on Windows 7.
Is there any way to prevent this from happening?

This is the popup opened as a subview from the overflow menu. That view has a fixed width on all platforms. To reproduce, move the browser action into the popup in the right pane of the customization palette and then open the panel via the two overflow arrow as seen in the screenshot above.

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Thanks. I wonder why this can’t be displayed normally tho… I would expect the overflow menu just to be a toolbar thing and not affect the popup.

That’s due to how it is designed to work. It is essentially the successor of the customizable hamburger menu. So I guess you’d have to argue with UX about why the popup can’t be closed and re-open the extension’s popup.

There is an open issue about this, seems I’m not the only one who finds this annoying: