I was wondering if there are any problems with the review queue of new Add ons?
we posted our “Art up your Tab” Add On v1.08 7 days ago and its stuck on position 55 for a few days now, we have a campaign starting today promoting this new FF add-on.
The previous reviews went swiftly and Erosman replied quickly, we’ve adapted the code, but now it’s stuck.
I hope some can tell me whats going on?
@erosman I send you a mail on Friday, dit you receive this?
Hi ! How can i know if my addon is in Admin Review queue ? I uploaded mine 2 weeks ago and it’s stuck on position 39 for 3 days now. My addon is really simple too and ideally, it should be published this weekend (we write an article on it) but I would just like to know if it will take a long time.
Thank you for all your work
@erosman Actually I have the same question as Peepan, I wonder why it’s in Admin Review? If you can tell me than I can maybe adjust the way we deliver the code, maybe it should not me minified or concataneted?
How long can a admin review take?
I would really iike to launch the plugin soon, today the campaign started.
@erosman You’ve reviewed our “art up your tab” add on before, it did not go to Admin review, you just mentioned that we were not allowed to use external sources ot of the same domain.
So if we post the Add-on again, not including the sources, but leave the source on the same domain, could it than be reviewed by you without going into Admin review?
If not we have to wait, but could you give me a at least a time indication?
Sadly, no. Once it is in Admin Review mode, it will say until an admin moves it to the normal queue. Uploading new versions doesn’t change that.
Version 1.0.6-1.07 were in normal queue. If addon contains minified code, then they need to be checked so sources are needed. Once sources are uploaded, it automatically goes into Admin Review queue.
You can try IRC #addon-reviewers to talk with Admin Reviewers.
@erosman And if we remove this version and upload new version without minified files, can you than help us out? Or should we wait? What do you advice… our European campaign for this add on has gone live last monday an reaches a big audience, good for Mozilla too… so if you can reach the Reviewers and give us a hand I would be gratefull.
As I mentioned, addon remains in Admin Queue, even if you delete this one and upload another one, until Admin moves it to normal queue. Only Admins can do that.