I’m trying to get my first addon (a webextension) signed so I could permanently install it. But I cannot write in the name or summary fields on the new addon submission form and thus I cannot submit it.
I already posted about this here: https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/is-it-just-me-or-is-the-amo-submit-a-new-add-on-web-form-broken-after-26-sep-2016/11291/4?u=hhyyrylainen
Where I guessed that the site is broken.
Also I cannot delete the old attempts in order to get a sensible id for my addon. It uses a native extension so changing the id means I have to update the native extension allowed addons, too.
Can I or someone else delete them so I could re-use their ids or do I have to put uuids in my addon ids?