Hello. These articles are already fantastic. Just wanted to point out some typos and such(I don’t want to edit them myself as they aren’t mine and I might mess something up):
Controlling list counting section, (first paragraph): in steps “or” more than 1 (a typo: of)
Implementing the code in your demo section
Mentions here .eot, .svg, .ttf which aren’t given by using basic or optimal options in font squirrel webfont generator. You need to click expert. Then you are presented with EOT lite or EOT Compressed. This was confusing for me, not sure if it warrents an edit though.
Background attachment section, (second paragraph), in ‘local’: it is only “support” in Internet Explorer 9+ (a typo: supported).
Border images section
The second code snippet reads: border-image-source: url(border-image.png);
Then further down, under “Putting this all together”, you have the line:
border-image-source: url(https://mdn.mozillademos.org/files/13060/border-image.png);
I was an idiot and copyed this code to a css file and opened the html file in firefox committing hotlinking. I wasn’t thinking at the time(very sorry!). I think you should change the https url to border-image.png like you had further up to prevented people doing this. Or maybe a note before it?
Let me know if this was not helpful(i’ve heard the term grammar nazi used before).