Hello all and Eid Mubarak for those of you celebrating
Our usual community call is happening at 17:00 UTC as usual. We have various topics for the call today:
- Firefox 67.0.1 release
- Master password update
- Kitsune in mantainance
- Firefox 67 SUMO Sprint. We are entering the second week, let’s hear what our volunteers have to say on their experience.
Zoom link: https://mozilla.zoom.us/j/3241778647
AirMo link: Content Not Available - Please Log In
Wiki link: Support/Weekly Meetings/Agenda 2019-06-05 - MozillaWiki
If you have any questions or any topic that you would like to discuss, feel free to reply to this thread. We’ll be happy to address it in the call. See you all soon!
Kiki & Konstantina