[Support] Sage-Like - Sidebar Based RSS Feed Reader

New tab, new tab, new tab!!!

YEEEHA!!! :slight_smile:

Thank you, thanks, danke, gracias !!

I love you !

My mice do not have a middle click button, only a wheel button and yeah, that’s not intuitive or comfortable to use. The only time I do use it is on the very rare occasion I see any value in slowly auto-scrolling a web page. Otherwise it is not a button, it is a wheel.

There is simply nothing like the default action doing what I expect it to.

Keyboard shortcuts may be handy for some people but for me are useless in the Firefox Sidebar context because the sidebar is in a different focus context. I never use the keyboard in Sage-Like. I never use keyboard plus mouse shortcuts at all actually. Anywhere in any app. Unsure why other than maybe it is just harder to co-ordinate and less efficient.

Recently I changed the default Firefox context menu (outside Sage-Like) to always - or often - show Inspect Element (Q) at the top as this is the primary, almost only, context menu option I use. Reload? F5 or nav bar button. Cache-bypass reload? Ctrl + F5; Fwd / back? Backspace is the most efficient (which Firefox is annoying preferencing off) or just navigation bar buttons. Etc etc.

Yet, after over a decade of right-clicking on thousands of element, moving the mouse all the way to the bottom and clicking, having made this change, guess what? I am struggling to get out of the habit! More tellingly perhaps, I know I can right-click then hit Q to get there faster. But it is just not that simple to change behaviour!

Speaking of which, Sage opened articles in new tabs for so long, I became familiar with it. Or Sage at inconsistently allowed the overall browser setting to permeate through to itself, that I ‘learned’ that behaviour as well :slight_smile: So when Sage-Like finally came along thanks to your excellent efforts, to replace Sage in the WE era, it was enormously welcome … except … this, one, little - but massive - thing! Hahaha.

Now, all is right with this bizarre world again. The change to Quantum and WE all but finally complete thanks to your update!

I guess if I was a pianist, using three mouse buttons might be more natural.

Glad you were able to keep the option for new or existing tab override with middle and keyboard override if that is what you like.

For me, everything is opened in a new tab. That way I never feel like there is a long train of history hiding where I was and confusing my mental mind’s eye about where some site, that I still visually remember, has gone. Searches; omnibox activity; bookmarks; link sent to Firefox for opening … it is all opening a new tab. If I close a tab and need it again, that is what Undo Close Tab is for :slight_smile:

Thanks so very much for this effort. I know it may not make a lot of sense to you as we all tend to default to only really ‘believing’ our way is the norm. That is just an instinctive thing. I am the same even though I know people use software in a variety of ways that are different to mine. But this change makes Sage-Like the perfect replacement / successor to Sage, for me.

Also, have been using the address-bar feed addition button more lately. Think it was hidden by my custom CSS until now. Very helpful.

Last but not least, have been cleaning up my bookmarks and that meant yet another naming scheme including renaming the Sage-Like feeds folder. No idea how … but unlike in the past with original Sage, the renaming did not cause any issue! Sage-Like just automatically picked up the new folder!!!

Brilliant :slight_smile:

That makes Sage-Like actually superior to Sage, for me.

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Been using it for months, it’s been good but I wonder if you can add function to play audio files directly in feed preview page? I think this can be useful for listening podcasts :smile:
the original Sage add-on doesn’t have this and this function was the one I hoped could be added into…
Thanks for making this continuation of the great ‘Sage’ add-on! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello yuichisuzuki0404

I like your feature request.

Enabling the user to play feed media attachments (RSS enclosures) directly from the feed preview page is a great addition (audio and video).

I’m not much into podcasts listening myself, but I’ve looked around and I found a variety of different podcast RSS feeds “in the wild” that presented a few programming dilemmas. Therefor I would appreciate your help if you can post here some links to what you consider as typical podcast RSS feeds as a reference?

It will be very helpful.

Hopefully, this will be in the next version.

ah yes, thanks for replying!
well, the kind of feeds I consider as typical podcast RSS are like these:
(from Radio Free Asia)
(from CNN, Breaking News Alert)
feed address:

hope these could help the development :slight_smile:

Hello Walter,

If I understand you correctly you are talking about an issue with image loading/display.

So, I checked the XML feeds that are provided by the dealinspektor site.

There are 2 discoverable RSS feeds in the main page. At the time of checking both feeds were just empty. The feeds had a title, an image, and no items at all.

When going into the site’s inner pages like ‘Hot-Deals’ or ‘Beauty’ an additional feed is provided that do have content (feed-items), but they were very basic and none of them included any image.

If you are referring to a different issue or if I misunderstood your intention, please let me know.

Hey, Ariel!

Sage-like is awesome, Sage (and some derivatives) was my choice of feed readers so far. I really missed it in FF Quantum.
I’ have just one problem with it: it can not open one of my old feeds with embedded credentials in the feed url. I assume this is because of the new security handling of mozilla. Is there any workaround to overcome with this issue?
Oh, and just one more thing, mainly about esthetic and convenience (or bad habit :slight_smile: - it would be nice to have button(s) in toolbar with ‘mark-all-as-read/unread’ functionality.

This is brilliant, and becoming more and more brilliant as I get used to all its tricks. Thanks very much.

One query, which may be easily fixable, by me with your instructions, or may need the expert to add some code! If I leave Sage-Like activated when I shut down Firefox (currently running 78.12 ESR) then when I start up again, all of my start-up tabs (currently six) open in Sage-Like mode rather than in html mode, and I have to click the links in the ensuing dialogue boxes to get them to display properly. Is there a fix for this, or do I just need to work around, by disabling Sage-Like before I log-out of Firefox?

Keep up the good work. It is much appreciated.


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Hello k3qoo0os,

I’m happy to hear you like Sage-like. :slightly_smiling_face:

The practice of credentials embedded in the URL was deprecated in one way or other in all major web browsers several years ago. It is insecure. I see no reason to support an old and unsafe feature that may jeopardize the users.

Nevertheless, the idea of accessing feeds that are protected with standard secure credentials is interesting and is worth reviewing.

As for placing the ‘mark-all-as-read/unread’ functionality in the toolbar. It makes more sense than the ‘expand/collapse all’ functionality. I’ll put it in the TO-DO list.

Thank you for your input.

Hello Chris,

Nice catch.
Thanks a lot.

The fix itself was relatively easy, but I had to jump through hoops in order to reproduce this bug on my computer.

I’m not 100% sure that it’s totally fixed because I am not able to consistently reproduce it, so I’ll appreciate your feedback on this fix.

The fixed version (2.6) will be in addons.mozilla.org in a day or two.

Thank you for your input.


Just downloaded 2.6 and it works a treat. Thanks very much for sorting that. Hopefully, I won’t need to bother you again.

Just being curious, are you able to fill me in on what the issue was.


It was a synchronization issue.

A variable in background.js was supposed to be initialized in a promise BEFORE being used in the webRequest.onHeadersReceived event listener.

Due to startup tabs the webRequest.onHeadersReceived event listener was occasionally executed before the variable initialization and that caused any web page to be interpreted as a feed and attempted to load the Feed Preview.

Hi there,
Is there an option to not have sage-like/sidebar be open whenever I open a window in firefox?

Hi strandis,

I’m also a bit annoyed by this but It’s out on my hands and I have no way of working around this.

By design, Firefox will reopen a certain sidebar (any sidebar) in a new window if that sidebar is already open in the origin window or if the sidebar was open when Firefox was closed and then reopened from the desktop.

Also, WebExtensions are not allowed to close a sidebar without user input (menu/button click).

Hi, I’m still trying to get away from ‘feedbro’ and get used to Sage-Like which i like. :slight_smile:
One (probably big) feature request:
Customize the number of posts per feed, including a caching system for posts that are not in the “live feed” anymore.
It is a function that makes me switch between ‘feedbro’ and ‘sage-like’ a lot.

Here is a feed that loads quite poorly because it has 260 posts in it and would profit from a post limit: https://cdn.kuechenstud.io/feeds/ldn-mp3.xml
Here is a feed that only show 10 posts but I would miss most of the posts if the reader wouldn’t cache old posts: http://www.titanic-magazin.de/ich.war.bei.der.waffen.rss

Sage-Like 92 اريد الدعم

Hey Dawiesel,

Caching posts is problematic in the sense that they will not be synchronized with other devices like the feeds that are stored in the Firefox Bookmarks (Firefox built in Sync system). So, if I’ll do implement this it will be locally cached.

Providing an option to limit the number of posts per feeds is reasonable.

Do you experience poor loading times for https://cdn.kuechenstud.io/feeds/ldn-mp3.xml when it’s loaded in the sidebar or in the Feed Preview?

Particularly in this feed, each post contained a relatively large audio attachment (enclosure) and they are all loaded into the browser when the Feed Preview. Those attachments have no affect when the feed is loaded in the sidebar.

In the next version I resolved this problem by delaying the attachment loading.

I realize that caching is problematic and for me it would probably best to have my own instance of ttrss or something like that.

I just tested the performance again and it doesn’t seem to be decreased by the number of posts.

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It’s a bit general.
Can you provide any additional details?

Hello Ariel,

thanks for this addon, I’ve looked at others and this one seems to fit my needs the most after the Live Bookmarks have been deprecated (been using an old Firefox version with the LiveClick addon until now).

Could I make a suggestion regarding the feed update timestamp which causes feeds in the GUI to appear as if they have new items, as already addressed here? [Support] Sage-Like - Sidebar Based RSS Feed Reader There could be a special option that would allow the user to ignore this timestamp information, maybe via a global setting? Reddit subreddit RSS feeds and some blogs as well seem to set the timestamp to the time the feed was retrieved.

Thanks, keep up the good work :slight_smile:

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HI heh453,

I’m glad to know Sage-Like suits you needs. :slight_smile:

I’m currently swamped by my day job but I will revisit this issue and see what I can do.