[Support] Tab Re-Title General Support

This works well once I figured out how to do a Regex to remove a specific annoying phrase that Amazon inserts at the beginning of every page Title. I don’t like that because it messes up the default name of my bookmarks.

Here’s the regex I used: /AmazonSmile: (.{1,45}).*/$1/

This removes the literal phrase "AmazonSmile: " from the beginning of any page title on smile.amazon.com. It removes the first phrase and then inserts the rest of the title but only up to 45 characters in length. If the original title is longer, it truncates the rest. I found a Regex testing site that helped me figure this out. https://regex101.com/r/vMzP9d/6

Hi Lazyuki, thanks so much for this add on. Would it be possible to combine “name this tab” and “this exact match” such that whatever is in the named tab gets that name, and it’s kept across restarts. The add-on would have to sniff URL changes, and keep track of whatever was the most recent for the tab…

Hi Lazyuki, thanks for the addon, its currently a real saver for me.

I am using it when I’m building webpages with Oxygen Builder. When I have several Oxygen Editor tabs open I can’t see what template is open on which tab because each tab is named “Oxygen Visual Editor - Templatename” (it’s too long to see the template name in the tab)

I am using regex “/(Oxygen Visual Editor)/O2/” with settings: “set for this domain”.

Would it be possible if you could add one more option to include the replace function on all domains because now I have to do it for each developement webpage separately.


Thanks a ton for this extension! Minor bug report for regex. I weirdly get “Regex Error: no pattern match” if I try to use a bare match group as a substitution, but not if I just add extra arbitrary text to the substitution. For example, the following regex breaks on this page:

/(Amazon.com: )?(.*)/$2/

But just adding “Arbitrary text” at the end avoids the bug:

/(Amazon.com: )?(.*)/$2 Arbitrary text/

Suppose page/tab titles for a domain are something like

Foo at Some Domain
Bar at Some Domain

  1. Can regexes automatically re-title things like this to Foo and Bar respectively?
  2. If so and the page is bookmarked will the bookmark name be the original or modified title?

Support is at https://github.com/Lazyuki/ReTitle/issues


Your Tab ReTitle Add-On for Firefox doesn’t work in version 107.0.1 on PC.

Please fix it.
