Tad and I laying low

Hey all,

Seems like coincidentally Tad and I are in the same boat. We’re not watching all of our communication channels.

For myself I am too easily distracted during working hours and so I’ve got two IRC profiles going. One with my work channels and #foxymonkies, the other will all of the rest including #communityit. I only open this second profile when I’m not working. If you need me for something I’m still on IRC and it’s ok to ping me. The problem is just that if I have all the extra things open I’ll watch the discussions and click around. I won’t feel bad telling you I’m too busy if I’m too busy, so don’t feel bad asking!

From tad: “if you see anyone in #communityit saying they need me for anything, please could you tell them to query or skype me? that’s the only way they will get hold of me for the next few days, emails are also being ignored for the most part.” So basically the same, he’s available if needed but not watching the regular channels.