Tanner and the bastion host hate each other

Okay, I need some help. The bastion servers seem to hate me, because my keys aren’t forwarding. I’ve been using a separate keypair on the bastion host and putting that on servers, but it’s really annoying to have to do that every time. I have this in my ~/.ssh/config file, but it doesn’t seem to do anything:
Host csa-bastion1.communitysysadmins.org ForwardAgent yes

Can anybody help me figure out why on earth my keys aren’t forwarding?

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I’ll take a look when I’m home.

Perhaps a silly question, but are you running the ssh-agent app on the machine storing your keys? Forwarding your keys doesn’t help if they aren’t being made available to forward. :smile:

I think so.

That doesn’t tell what’s on the other end of that socket, only that it exists. Try “ps ax | grep ssh-agent”.

tanner 10250 0.0 0.0 12656 528 ? Ss 12:39 0:00 ssh-agent. I’m really at a total loss, I’ve tried pretty much everything I can think of.