Temporary Container for Everything opened in a particular tab

Hi folks:

I’m using containers and also the temporary containers addon. I have all the sites where I have to sign in and need to keep cookies setup each in their own individual container, and all the other sites open in a separate temporary container.

This works fairly well, but the issue is that sometimes links and other things open in a new temporary container, which fouls up the page. Also, it was difficult to get things I had to sign in to (e.g. banking sites) to stay in one container because I had to quickly note all the other domain names that the site was using and set them to open in that same container.

Perhaps I don’t have things configured quite correctly, but what I think I’m actually looking for is a way to configure things such that once a tab is opened in a container (based upon the initial domain name), everything that is opened in that tab stays in that same container unless you manually key in something different on the url input line.

What I’m doing now is if I run into a site that doesn’t play well with the existing container structure, I open it in a private browsing window, which gives the same effect as a container, except that it’s not persistent. I guess what I’m really looking for is a container setting that functions like a private browsing window, except that it’s persistent for all the cookies and such that were created in that tab, regardless of the url domain names involved.

Hopefully I’m adequately describing what I’m trying to do.

OK, I think I have found what I need. In the temporary container options I needed to set Target Domain to Never. This appears to give the behavior that I want, that the temporary container is per tab once it’s created regardless of what links you click on a page within the tab.