(Sam Safaei)
October 16, 2019, 2:05pm
An easy way to get more accuracy is to use pre-trained acoustic model as you are, but provide custom language model.
The vocabulary used in 5.1 contains many many combinations which to me, look like 1800s english, so it’s best to separate the two. See:
Can you please retry with proper dependencies installed pip install -r examples/mic_vad_streaming/requirements.txt ?
Also, it’s unclear what you did when you say:
Have you built it yourself ? You need to use generate_trie matching requirements.txt.
That’s not super consistent as well.
@dara1400 I don’t have my computer in front of me, so can’t check exactly what worked for me previously, and like @yv001 I have yet to try a custom LM with 0.5.0.
If you could post the commands you’ve used I can try to have a look tomorrow evening (or maybe the weekend, depending on my timing) .
My general principle here is I’m happy to help (within reason!) if you can make the case you’ve put in some efforts with exploration of the forum, source code & done that kind of leg work already.