some feedback, how the form could be extended/improved:
sometimes I felt, like I wanted to add a comment, so maybe a comment field could be added.
should I check the old versions checkbox, when the newest versions and older versions are both available?
one time I wasn’t able to provide a direct link to the binary/download, because it was hidden behind Javascript and a form. (the url was probably in the Javascript of the page and firefox on android doesn’t allow me to copy the original source/url of a download on the downloads page (unlike desktop Firefox))
I used the url field to comment then and explain it (in a url format, so it wouldn’t complain ^^)
what about sites that ask you to login into facebook/Google etc. and link your accounts for a download? (/give permissions for something)
I checked the money checkbox, when I saw this happening, because none of the others fit.
should I check the old logo checkbox, when both logos are present on the page? (old and new) (in screenshots, etc.)
What about pages, where I don’t know whether it’s an old version or not?
I could check it later on desktop of course, but on Android it’s not possible.
I would say yes since the users are exposed to those. Or if you want to be more precise you can have one report with the old one (adding it’s old version) and another one without that box checked
that was a good call thanks for doing that, since I can filter the issues that are coming from your side, I will add a comment on your behalf
yes since the user is exposed to both
if you can’t see I would say do not mark the old version button
that’s a great question
I asked and apparently it is Mozilla’s China’s local distribution so it is an official Mozilla page. However, we are still looking if it is attributed or not. For that reason I would suggest that you report it and we can filter it out later.
I haven’t reported the Chinese page, yet, because it only links to the official Firefox download page.
are we supposed to also enter pages that link to the official download pages (Only)?
we aren’t supposed to enter 32bit and 64bit and portable separately, right?
only if it’s an older version and the other is a current one, right?
what about news pages that directly offer download links to older Firefox versions, when they are reporting on that update?
it could take a lot of time to report every single binary and url, isn’t the domain enough?
strange, maybe I got it mixed up with another domain or I clicked on a different link/button on the page, because I remember being redirected to
What I’ve got is that while we are aware of those and they have a distribution_id we can identify we apparently don’t have attribution out of it. So I would suggest to still report it.