The settings for HTML vs plain text seem unclear on the current Beta version

There is a HTML section in composition but no clear choice to default to plain text. Then when I try some of the other settings under sending or advanced or whatever it is and open a new msg, I still cant really tell if I am in plain text mode or not.

It is more confusing than the previous settings and options on the New Message window.

I don’t see much difference other than the new “Use reader’s default colors” option in preferences.

Clicking “Send Options” still allows you to make choices on how you want to send messages and specify domains.

Whether you want to compose in HTML or plain text is still located in the Composition & Addressing section of the email accounts settings. Just remove the check mark for “Compose messages in HTML format”.

You should see a formatting toolbar in the HTML composition window, which won’t be there when composing in plain text.