I have been using uBlock Origin and it has been working great with this list:
Malware domains
(www.malwaredomains.com): 12,345 used out of 12,386
Evidently that list updated the other day and “broke” a site that I use. I finally reset uBlock , purged all caches, opened the page again and I got the message below. That is how I discovered which list was causing it. Putting it on the Whitelist just turned off ad blocking for that site. I don’t want to turn off the blocking for that domain. I clicked on “Permanently” again today (which is what I did the other day) and it “broke” the way the page is displayed and it can’t be used.
uBlock Origin has prevented the following page from loading:
Because of the following filter
Found in: Malware domains
Disable strict blocking for the-watch-series.to
Temporarily Permanently
If I choose to disable strict ad blocking, it breaks the way the page is displayed. If I roll the update back and don’t update that one list, then it works fine, otherwise I can’t use the page. What can I do to fix this?