Theme refresh

Yes, that feature request already exists, not sure if we have an old topic on it.

It should probably say something else, but I’m not sure if we’re ready to start a branding discussion. I think we might be better off leaving it in obvious need of a change, than picking something now that we will inevitably get stuck with.

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I was using the site just before and just after the theme was applied. And I found the red too bright for my eyes (could be just me)

Two things I’ve noticed now that it’s applied:

Having a bold banner colour messes with the category colours. I’d suggest we swap the banner for a grey and use red for the text?

The banner isn’t quite at the top of the window. When I scroll down a topic I can see the artifacts of the text just above the banner.

In the title of each category page there is this output

We need more margin here

Also, maybe we should get rid of category colors here, some categories have colors that don’t match with a red background.

Also the blue notification bubble over the avatar is weird with the red background, maybe we should change the tone of blue.

Object Object also in the menu for latest page.

That’s maybe an incomplete Italian localization.

i think the color of the text bellow the “Theme refresh” must be something else. To see that’s “its active”

I can’t reproduce, and I believe Yousef and Leo said the same. It might just be taking a little bit to redraw.

That’s probably part of a localization missing. Discourse changed their i18n backend, so that’s probably related.

Agreed, I’ll play around a bit with that later.

That’s no different than it was on our previous theme. What would you recommend?

I agree. All categories have a color (plus avatars and notifications) that doesn’t fit well with a high saturation background color.

I personally like the red header like I don’t know if is there a way to have it and at the same time colors that fit over it.

Maybe not use category colors in such a narrow bar. Here is an example with turning category colors to something else, and inverting the notification balloon.

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Good point, to help for the translation of discourse they are on Transifex

Is the theme maintained in a repo?

I like the red banner, but understand the colour contrast issues raised. In general though it feels minimalist and light, and I like it.

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One solution I came up with to this problem was to change the colour of the header itself:

See it in action on staging.

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I personally like way more the red one, and would change colors over to white and red for bubbles and category separators. What’s the point of having category colors also in the top breadcrumbs?

Oh, I see it changes from red to the category color when you scroll, that’s a really nice and smart idea. I would put a bit more margin between elements and maybe a separator (/ -) between category and subcategory name.