I got my theme rejected for having low contrast. I was told i have black text on black background but no further explaination.
I didn’t use any black in my theme, so i don’t know what’s is wrong since there isn’t more explanations or screenshot.
It is my 1st theme, i know i maybe made a mistake, please help me ^^
Hi @axelgueud, thanks for reaching out! Can you resubmit your theme? I can look into this.
Hello @caitlin, i’ve resubmit my theme
Thanks for helping me !
Hi @caitlin, my theme got re-rejected by tiny.
Still a problem of black text on black background.
Tested with Firefox Color, didn’t see any problem…
Hi @caitlin, i think you might be busy or you maybe forgot me.
I up this topic, if you still can help me, that would be awesome!
Hi, what was the title of the theme in question?
Hi @candelora, i named my theme “Synthwavez”
I have found your theme and the reason for the refusal is the choice of a black text color on an equally black background.
To clarify the situation I insert the sceenshot of the theme of another author (unfortunately approved) who presents the same problem.
As you see after installing it, it is not possible to correctly read the writings in the bars… your theme will likely have the same drawback
I do understand this problem, but i dont know what is causing this.
Here is a screenshot of my browser with the temporary module (my theme). As you can see, it is really different than the black text color on a black bg.
In my manifest.json, i used no black (rgb, hexa or variable)…
Hi @axelgueud, to evaluate a theme, unfortunately the reviewers of static themes have available only the previews and background images when they are there, but they cannot access the contents of the manifest.json files … and this is the real problem!
So to the reviewer your theme appears to be of the same type as another in which the file.json has not been further customized, that is, it is simply the basic file that the program has elaborated.
In short, the reviewer sees an unacceptable black text on a black background, but cannot really verify this on the manifest.json.
Then we come to us … your theme is perfect, please submit it again for approval and please forgive this inconvenience
Hi @candelora do you know how to adapt my theme for android user ?
Is there any tutorial / docs to help ?
Do I need to create another but lighter theme ? Or can I make an adaptive version on the same file ?