Train for only one voice

Hi Newbie here. Been trying to install DeepSpeech for 3 days now, so while i figure that out - Is it possible to train DeepSpeech using only my voice? The idea being get it to 0% word error rate for me only, if that makes any sense…

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Here is a tutorial which does something quite similar to what you want.


Thanks I actually literally just found this :grinning:

Hi @mankaden,
reaching 0% Wer is utopia ! Even with mono speaker.

But, with patience, enough datas, and same as final target audio files, you could obtain very good results… under 0.05 WER (5%)
Data augmentation helps a lot too !!
Correct learning params too !!
“Bref”, be patient !! LOL (ready to help you…but learn tuto before!!!)

Someones got to be the first to reach 0%, might as well aim for utopia :sweat_smile:

Thanks I will take you up on that one day!

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