Training a TTS model with a language that doesn't have a supported phoneme_language

I’d like to train a TTS model in an Indigenous language that uses an orthography that doesn’t have a supported phone set. Would I be able to change the training data from the language’s orthography into it’s IPA representation and train it that way? Example below:

wavFile1|həloʊ wɜːld
waveFile2|siː spɑːt ɹʌn
waveFile3|tədeɪ ɪz ɐ naɪs deɪ

If that’s the case would I set the follow values in the config.json file?

    "use_phonemes": false,           // use phonemes instead of raw characters. It is suggested for better pronounciation.
"phoneme_language": "en-us", 

Any help is appreciated!

if you have IPA representation directly in the dataset, then just use character based training but give IPA characters as the char list (not phoneme char list).

Ok thanks for the reply so would my config.json look like this?

    "pad": "_",
    "eos": "~",
    "bos": "^",
    "characters": "aɑæɔtʃɛeɪdɡʔhidʒknoʊustwjz: ",
    "punctuations":" ",

Also would the settings below be correct?

"phoneme_cache_path": "mozilla_us_phonemes_2_1",  // phoneme computation is slow, therefore, it caches results in the given folder.
"use_phonemes": false,           // use phonemes instead of raw characters. It is suggested for better pronounciation.
"phoneme_language": "en-us",     // depending on your target language, pick one from

Thanks again for the help!

yes if these are the only phoneme chars for russian