Transparent or translucent theme

Just curious - how does one create a see-thru theme? I tried saving as png but it’s displaying completely opaque.


2 or 3 years ago, I’m interested to transparent themes, also consulting authors who created them successfully, since I could not.
In fact there would be nothing to understand, that is sufficient to create any transparency on an image and then save it in PNG. that’s all !!!
The problem is that on Windows10 transparencies are not working, while on Windows7 YES !!
Honestly I do not know if there is an addon or a small program that will restore the transparency on W10, I have not been able to find it, so any suggested is welcome :wink:

Below here are two of my themes with transparency and the relative difference of view between w7 and w10

with gradient transparency

with image on complete transparency

Finally a semitransparent theme among my favorites by darkprop, so visible only on W7

Thanks so much for the reply. By the way, you do astounding work!

I have Win 7, and all of yours are displaying correctly but mine didn’t. I will try again…maybe I did something wrong.

Thanks again :slight_smile: