I have the example LED thing running on an arduino nano33 and I can discover and add it to my pi based gateway. The issue is the newly created thing is not functional (grayed out). I am able to interface with the arduino with curl to query and toggle the onboard LED on and off. Below is what I get in the log file when I add the thing. I’m having trouble making sense of the logs (e.g. I don’t understand why the wemo add-on is involved with my arduino device ( I do have a wemo device installed and working separately though. Any guidance is appreciated.
2019-12-31 15:32:34.980 INFO : Opened a new things socket
2019-12-31 15:32:35.102 INFO : About to call startPairing on WemoAdapter
2019-12-31 15:32:35.104 INFO : About to call startPairing on SysteminfoAdapter
2019-12-31 15:32:35.105 INFO : About to call startPairing on ThingURLAdapter
2019-12-31 15:32:35.111 INFO : wemo: AddonManagerProxy: recv: b’{“messageType”:4099,“data”:{“timeout”:60,“adapterId”:“wemo-adapter”,“pluginId”:“wemo-adapter”}}’
2019-12-31 15:32:35.127 INFO : systeminfo: Adapter: SysteminfoAdapter id SysteminfoAdapter pairing started
2019-12-31 15:32:42.050 INFO : Successfully created new thing Built-in LED
2019-12-31 15:32:42.055 INFO : wemo: AddonManagerProxy: recv: b’{“messageType”:8207,“data”:{“deviceId”:“http—”,“device”:{“title”:“Built-in LED”,“type”:“”,“@context”:“https://iot.mozilla.org/schemas",“@type”:[“OnOffSwitch”],“description”:“”,“href”:“/things/http---”,“properties”:{},“actions”:{},“events”:{},“links”:[{“rel”:“properties”,“href”:“/things/http---”},{“rel”:“actions”,“href”:“/things/http---”},{“rel”:“events”,“href”:“/things/http---”},{“rel”:“alternate”,“mediaType”:“text/html”,“href”:“/things/http---”}],“layoutIndex”:3,“selectedCapability”:“OnOffSwitch”,“iconHref”:null},“adapterId”:“wemo-adapter”,“pluginId”:"wemo-adapter”}}’
2019-12-31 15:32:54.108 ERROR : Thing was not added
2019-12-31 15:32:54.109 ERROR : addNewThing cancelled
2019-12-31 15:32:54.130 INFO : wemo: AddonManagerProxy: recv: b’{“messageType”:4100,“data”:{“adapterId”:“wemo-adapter”,“pluginId”:“wemo-adapter”}}’
2019-12-31 15:32:54.132 INFO : systeminfo: Adapter: SysteminfoAdapter id SysteminfoAdapter pairing cancelled
2019-12-31 15:32:54.135 INFO : thing-url: Adapter: ThingURLAdapter id thing-url-adapter pairing cancelled