[UI Redesign/Refresh] Heads up - we're going live next week!

Hey everyone,

As you may have already heard, we have been working on a visual refresh and redesign of the site, to make it more up-to-date with mozilla.org.

We are 99% ready to roll things out early next week, but we still want you to take a look at what’s coming, so…

  • Please visit [https://dev.sumo.moz.works]

  • Click around and make sure everything looks good to you.

  • Report any issues you see in this thread (please note: issues are things that are explicitly broken or not working the way they should - please do not post about personal font, colour or layout preferences - we have locked that part of the design down a while ago).

  • Above all, have a good weekend and stay tuned for the roll out next week!

Thank you for your help, for being there for the users, and for representing Mozilla!

Keep rocking the helpful web!



We may want to add an ‘informative banner’ to let support.mozilla.org visitors know as well please.


Maybe provide a FAQ for things that have been changed/moved? (eg, “X” is now called “Y”, and can now be found under the “Z” section.)

Why is there still an Firefox OS section?

My guess would be that either they haven’t removed it, or its there for people that still have Firefox OS.

Could you tell us where you’re seeing a Firefox OS section?
Here’s a screenshot of what I see, in which there is no Firefox OS section:

Maybe you were looking at Firefox for iOS? :grinning:

It could be that jens1o was looking at the AAQ, the section seems to be still present there. I have reported the issue.

Not much has changed, mainly the colours and the fonts.

The Ask a Question section is now called “Get Community Support” and moved to the left.

@rmcguigan @vesper getting that banner up is easy, right?

I have discovered a regression (probably), where the option to mark an answer as solution is missing. Can some of the moderators confirm please? https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1495297

I can confirm. I reported it yesterday in the community thread: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/forums/contributors/713162?last=74810&page=2#post-74805